Are you a candidate for online learning?
Go through the checklist below and see!
The following questions are intended to guide you in your decision about whether an online course is a good match for you. If you are unsure, you may wish to take a web-enhanced course to determine if you are comfortable with online learning before taking a completely online course. You can click on the links below to assess any one of the categories or you may scroll down and work your way through the whole assessment.
| your learning style | your computer skills | your equipment |
you ready as a learner? Assessing your learning style |
Answer the following questions honestly to determine if online learning is a good match for your learning preferences. Respond Yes or No to each question. | ||||
I have excellent organizational skills. | ||||
I am a very self-directed learner. | ||||
I tend to get things done ahead of time rather than waiting to the last minute. | ||||
I can figure out written instructions very well on my own. | ||||
I prefer immediate feedback on assignments and get frustrated when I have to wait. | ||||
I like learning about new technologies; they don't intimidate me. | ||||
I am a very comfortable and skilled reader. | ||||
I like engaging in written communication. | ||||
Additional Personal Concerns | ||||
I can find at least 20 to 30 hours a week to devote to an online Medical Transcription Certificate Program. | ||||
Coming to campus for class is very difficult because of current time commitments, proximity of classes, or lack of transportation. | ||||
My need for taking this online course is very high. In other words, if I don't take it now I will not be able to take it later. |
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you ready as a computer user? Assessing your computer skills |
Answer the following questions honestly to determine if online learning is a good match for your current level of computer skills. Respond Yes or No to each question. | ||||
I have frequent access to a computer and to the internet (both must be true). |
I can perform the following computer tasks: | ||||
Turn my computer on, off, and reboot. | ||||
Comfortably use a mouse. | ||||
Create folders on the desktop and organize files. | ||||
Find lost files on my hard drive. | ||||
Create a new word processing document. | ||||
Open, spell check and save a word processing document. | ||||
Save files to the desktop. | ||||
I can perform or am aware of the following Internet skills: | ||||
Use a URL (Universal Resource Locator) or web address. | ||||
Use the Refresher Reload button on my browser | ||||
Create and use bookmarks or favorites. | ||||
Search the web using a search engine. | ||||
Download and install programs or plugins. | ||||
Send and receive e-mail. | ||||
Attach a file to an outgoing e-mail message. | ||||
I currently have an email address. | ||||
I can download documents, images or other files from the Internet. | ||||
I can participate in an online chat, listserv or bulletin board discussion. | ||||
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you ready technologically? Assessing your equipment |
Answer the following questions honestly to determine if you have adequate computer hardware and software to successfully take an online course. Respond Yes or No to each question. |
I have Internet Explorer 5.0 or later or Netscape 4.x or later on my computer. | ||||
I have a current word processing program on my computer (MS Word recommended). | ||||
My Internet access is via a 56K modem or better. | ||||
I have at least the following system: | ||||
If I do not have the minimum required computer from above I am willing to get one or get access to one. | ||||
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